Friday, November 25, 2011

Sweet William Dianthus barbatus

Sweet William
Dianthus barbatus

Dianthus are closely related to Carnations & their fragrance will attest to that. Dianthus bloom over a long season sometimes they bloom on & off year round. They may live up to three years. The flowers must be deadeheaded.

English Daisy Bellis perennis

English Daisy
Bellis perennis

This plant is commonly encountered as a weed in lawns & moist garden beds. Usually presenting itself as an small insipid white daisy. Breeding has brought color to the family in red & pink. This plant can be perennial.

Stock Matthiola incana

Matthiola incana

This elegant annual has several forms some with grey foliage others green. There are giant & dwarf varieties & they come in all colors except orange & blue. The flower spikes are very fragrant & the plants are hardy to cold.